About this test

Do you really want to keep bouncing between diets, trying and testing and not getting results? You can put an end to all the trial and error and eat your way to weight loss by knowing your genetic profile!  This DNA diet and healthy weight test is the new standard in weight loss, fitness and dieting! Results will teach you how to re-think the entire concept of dieting because scientists today agree that it is not simply about the food you eat! Your genes affect certain aspects of your metabolism and all processes by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. Your genes also affect how your body reacts to different types of exercises and exercise intensities – all this and much more you can only find out with a DNA test.

Your genes: How much weight will you lose?

Some individuals find it very hard to lose weight and yet might follow the exact same exercise plan as someone else. Some individuals might appear to follow the same eating plan as you, yet lead a more sedentary life style and manage to better control their weight! The differences in maintaining or losing weight between individuals could well be down to simple genetic differences so the key is now in understanding these genetic differences and work on your own, unique DNA make up. Individuals who use genetic testing to help them draft their weight programme achieve far better results than those who don’t.

Your results: unlock the key to weight loss

You own personalized report includes a complete genetic profile for the following:


  • Weight loss ability
  • Protein, fat, carb utilization
  • Nutrients
  • Vitamins
  • Cardio-response
  • Strength training
  • Exercise Regime


View a sample result by clicking the below image:

The nutrition and exercise recommendations are scientifically derived from the results of your DNA test. The language used is simple for you to understand and interpret so that you yourself can action the changes you need to improve your wellbeing. You will discover just how much protein, fat and carbohydrates you need in your diet and how these 3 key dietary components are affected by your genetic makeup and how efficiently they are used as energy sources. The report also shows how well your body can use fat for energy helping you understand how effective a certain type of exercise can be.  Besides this, your genes will help you understand whether you are prone to any nutrient or vitamin deficiencies and ensure to up the intake of those nutrients and/or vitamins you might be genetically predisposed to lack.

Collecting your samples

There is a fun side to learning so much about your genes and we are glad to offer this opportunity to our clients. Besides the wealth of information you will learn and the way in which all this information can help you get those results, you also have the advantage of the simplest DNA sample collection using mouth swabs. Once a client has confirmed their order, we will provide a sample collection kit which will contain the mouth swabs required to collect the DNA samples.

There is a fun side to learning so much about your genes and we are glad to offer this opportunity to our clients. Besides the wealth of information you will learn and the way in which all this information can help you get those results, you also have the advantage of the simplest DNA sample collection using mouth swabs. Once a client has confirmed their order, we will provide a sample collection kit which will contain the mouth swabs required to collect the DNA samples.

Testing for genetic predisposition to diseases

Our DNA diet and healthy weight test will not establish whether you are at genetic risk of any illnesses. If you are interested in a genetic predisposition test for disease risk, we suggest carrying out our 34 disease genetic health test.

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